Composer's note
The season of Christmas, so special in itself, has long held for me the extra joys of my birthday, falling shortly before the Feast, and our wedding anniversary, just after. This year, as Sylvia and I celebrate our ruby wedding and my seventieth birthday, Banks Music Publications has kindly brought together a dozen of my mixed voice carol titles.
In part retrospective, the selection also includes a number of new and recent commissions. My grateful thanks are due not only to Margaret Silver and Rosemary Goodwin for this present project, but also to the late Ramsay Silver who began the Eboracum Choral Series. He it was who first put my early carol arrangements into print over three decades ago, and so encouraged me on the long creative path.
Andrew Carter York
May 2009
Angelus ad virginem arr.
Slumber Song
Personent hodie arr.
Great our festivity
Mary's Magnificat
Noël nouvelet arr.
Make we merry
Polish Carol arr.
Chanticleer Carol
Hodie Christus natus est
There was a beauty once
Stille nacht arr.
Recordings: Eight of the twelve titles in this book are included on the award-winning CD Andrew Carter’s Christmas Carols, recorded by the Quire of London, conducted by the composer, and with John Scott, organ.
York CD 169 from York Ambisonic, PO Box 66 Lancaster England LA 2 6HS, or from music retailers.